- "Why Communities Should Invest in Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Sponge" by Didi Pershouse
- "Pedogenesis, Soil Cathedrals, Living Membranes, and Industrial Hydroponics" by Walter Jehne. (Scroll to page B15)
- "Supporting the Soil Carbon Sponge" Interview with Walter Jehne by Tracy Frisch
Resource and Teaching Guides
- Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function: A Facilitator's Manual
- The Occidental Arts & Ecology Center's DIY Water Guides to help citizens, landowners, agencies and decision-makers implement useful techniques to restore and protect the watersheds we live in.
- Water, Land and Climate—The Critical Connection: How We Can Rehydrate Landscapes Locally to Renew Climates Globally by Jan Lambert
- Water for the Recovery of the Climate: A New Water Paradigm
- Water in Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty World by Judith D. Schwartz
- Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter by Ben Goldfarb
- Call of the Reed Warbler by Charles Massey
- Water, a Natural History by Alice Outwater